
Quick Post

This is just a random, piecemeal post. Mainly to try to get the ginormous video off the top of my blog. It's squishing my profile. Ow.

1! I did not get into Regionals Orchestra. Oh well, that's okay. I'll most likely get into District Orchestra unless I slack off. Although with five AP classes, something's gotta give. Who knows.

2! My friend Maggie has started a blog. Pretty cool. Check it out.

3! I gotta run. I still have shopping to do for Angel Tree. I'm really excited about getting stuff for my Angel because she is closer to my age than others I have had in the past, so I actually know what she might want.


Why do I ever think the spell checker might suddenly start working in Safari? Maybe, just maybe, I should email Blogger support. Nahh, that's too easy.



It be talk like a pirate day, me mateys!

There be a lot goin' on in me life. More infos be a comin (perhaps). If I feels like it.
