

Firstly, I would like to thank Kerri for linking me about Diabetes Awareness Day. I enjoyed raising my voice, even though it was only on a little personal blog with a boring gray background. (Believe me; I intend to fix that someday. Hmmm…) I don't know how much planning this holiday took, but I am all up for doing it next year as well, assuming I remember.

And thanks, Glee, for the hug. Hugs to you too, and to all diabetics out there. This is one of those times where I can probably accurately say that I know what you're going through. It ain't easy.

…I'm suddenly getting the urge to start working on a cooler blog background. I really have to push that one off until AP testing is over, as much as I would love to fire up Photoshop Elements right now and fix things up…


Type 1 Diabetes Awareness Day!

Well, today is the much-anticipated Type 1 Diabetes Awareness Day. I won't say much, but I will point you to Kerri's blog and say that I am very happy that she came up with this idea. Also, this flyer is a very good explanation of type 1. For anyone who wants more info, please check it out.

Well, I would type more, but I'm exhausted and have a Calculus test tomorrow. Oh joy. The cause of my exhaustion will have to be blogged about soon. = ) So I'll just say that, if you see a diabetic today, give them a hug. They deserve it; diabetes is unpredictable.  And most diabetics are more than willing to answer questions, so ask them!  (But I'll tell the world right now that no type 1 diabetic is at fault for his or her disease. It isn't caused by eating too much candy or being irresponsible; the immune system just gets a bit crazy and destroyes the beta cells inside the Islets of Langerhans (which are in the pancreas) so that the body can no longer produce insulin. Believe me; if I had control over my immune system, I would not tell it to do that! = ) )

Er…  Studying.  Right.  I think I'll log off now.