
Endlich eine Deutschnebenfachin!

I finally declared my German minor!  Right after the German class during which I spent the entire time with a low blood sugar.  It wasn't one of those nice low blood sugars either; it was one of those that makes me get all emotional about everything and starts me crying.  Thankfully, my professor and classmates are awesome.  One even brought me a bottle of orange juice, and a couple asked me what they could do if that happened in the future.  (I did tell my professor about my diabetes, by the way, so she knew at least some of what was going on.)

Anyway, just thought I should share that.  Yay German minor!


  1. I'm sorry that happened, but it makes me happy to know that your class knew what was happening and that you had told your prof. I know that isn't easy to do.

    Did you feel all tired and worn out afterwards? Those are the ones I hate. I hope you can get to bed soon and get some rest.

    I love you!

  2. I'm glad to hear that you're okay, but sorry it happened. Nice to have classmates and professors who are caring.

    Very cool about declaring German as your minor!
