
I'm back!

…sans four teeth. Of course, that's fine, seeing as that was exactly what was supposed to happen. My wisdom teeth would have otherwise redesigned my entire mouth's layout, precipitating a need for me to get braces. I've never had them and plan to keep it that way. I'm feeling surprisingly good today. There's a bit of dull pain where the teeth came out and I look a little like a chipmunk, but I've been acting almost normal for several hours. Thanks, Mom, for all of the pudding! Although I managed to eat soup for dinner, so I'm making progress. Oh, and I just ate some chocolate. Bar chocolate. Chocoholism will get me back onto solid foods.

And I can feel my lower lip and tounge now. When I came to after the surgery (I did not wake up in the middle, praise the Lord) I wondered why they had wrapped my tounge in an inch of gauze and left something weird sticking out of my mouth. I soon learned that my tounge was not wrapped in gauze—it was only two gauze pads between my upper and lower jaws to catch the blood and facilitate clotting—and that the weird thing coming out of my mouth was my lower lip. Both were numb for a few hours, which I spent reading, doing German homework, and watching Homestar Runner on DVD. And napping, And changing the gauze pads. I'm glad I'm done with those. ***knocks on wood*** They're gross.

And somehow, I managed to bring my blood sugar in at 166. I feel sorry for poor Glee, though. I accidentally corrected my blood sugar to 120 instead of 150 right before I went to sleep, so she had to keep coming into my room, testing me, setting temporary basal rates to get me up higher, etc. Thanks, Mom!

Anyway, I need sleep. Thank you all for your prayers! Everything went fine. I just hope life returns to normal soon. Though I do like the whole veg-out-in-front-of-computer/TV-with-book-close-at-hand-eating-chocolate-pudding-and-ice-cream thing. I'll enjoy what I can while I can.

Man. The spell checker still doesn't work. Bad Google/Blogger! Bad! Bad doggie!


I'm nervous.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. I've been stocking up on books, and I have my yet-unwatched DVDs of the five-hour A&E rendition of Pride and Prejudice. And a couple of Homestar Runner DVDs that Hol&J sent me for Christmas. Ready to veg out, pig out on jello, pudding, and mashed potatoes, and generally feel like yuck for a week. Ugh. At least I have entertainment. And summer homework. Some of it is interesting.

But I've been a bit more clumsy today than usual. I'm tripping over my tounge more often. I've heard the horror stories—how my mom had a couple of hers taken out in a not-so-clean office but survived (she didn't tell me about any infections or anything, so I think it was more creepy than infectious), how a few teens have woken up halfway through the procedure, negative reactions to the pain medication, etc. If my oral surgeon uses the wrong saline for my IV-thingy, I may have another horror story to add to the hall of pain: steadily climbing and later insanely high blood sugars. The doctor said he would use Ringers (I think I'm spelling that right, but since this is only the second time I've been knocked out, and the first was when I was three, I'm definitely guessing on these IV-liquid names. I am such a newbie to the horrors of the medical world.) for my IV if my blood sugar was 150ish or above on the morning of the surgery. He said if it was much lower, he would use D-5 (again, guessing on the name. It was D-something.). He only reached that decision after my mom argued with him; he wanted to use D-5 from the start. But my mom said "You do know the D stands for Dextrose, right? Her blood sugar is going to go really high." (not exact words. My memory's not that good.) Hence the above arrangement. No pressure on diabetes control, Ky. None. As long as it's around 150. Exactly would be great. Try to beat Mom's record of 152 on the morning of a surgery when she told the surgeon she'd come in at 150.

Heh. Pray for me. I think everything will be fine, but there are so many things that could go wrong.


Guess what…

I got the Harry Potter book!

And the first word of the book is………

**spoiler alert!**


Aren't you dissappointed? Angry? Sad?

Okay, I'm done. It's reading time from now until my parents wrench the book from my hands.


I was tagged for this meme a while ago…

I was tagged by Hol&J for this meme a few days over a month ago. And I'm finally getting around to it.

7-10 Things You Don't Already Know About Me:

1. Improper grammar drives me nuts. Though I know I use bad grammar occasionally, I will correct the other people's grammar. When I turn in tests at school, there are usually a few editing marks on the questions where I corrected subject-verb agreement or pronouns. I don't feel like I can concentrate otherwise.

2. I like hats. Weird hats. Santa hats especially—I used to wear them year-round (around the house, at least). I even have a black beanie-like hat with cat ears that one of my friends made. (Really, it's too loose to be a beanie. But it's really cute. Thanks, M!)

3. I talk to myself. I know it looks weird, but I do anyway. No voices in my head—I just converse with myself. It helps me think.

4. I have been a self-proclaimed geek as long as I knew what a geek was. I think that was when my computer was my second hand-me-down computer from my dad—an Apple Quadra. (I think the term Macintosh was in use then, but I don't remember.) I like being geeky.

5. I still sleep with a stuffed animal. It is a dragon puppet named Amis. (Another character from that now-defunct fantasy novel I mentioned in an earlier post.) Okay, so most of my family knows this. But I bet none of you knew how to spell his name!

6. Nonproductivity drives me nuts. That's probably why I stay up so late. And I actually enjoy school to some extent. I get to learn stuff. During the summer, I will be working, reading, learning more German, and teaching myself UNIX. And doing summer assignments. And maybe starting a murder mystery novel that will most likely also find its way into the shiny Trash icon on my Mac's Dock.

7. Speaking of my love of learning (how many teenagers will admit to that?), I enjoy learning to speak with different accents. I can currently fake a moderately-decent British accent, a Southern drawl, and a few squeaky weird voices. I can occasionally do others as well, but those are my favorites.

8. I used to dislike Harry Potter. Around the fourth book, I decided the plot was getting repetitive and boring. I didn't read books five and six until a couple of months ago! I still think the plotlines are repetitive, but at least I enjoy them. And I'm glad I came to my senses before HP7! Now I can go to the midnight release and everything!

Okay, I think I'm done. I started this post before I left for Germany in June, but I knew it needed editing. You can't have all my secrets!

Guess what I got to see today…

I got to play with an iPhone!

I went to the Apple store in Tysons Corner Mall. I asked an employee about running Windoze on a Mac (I may be forced to for college), and he demoed Parallels and Boot Camp for me. He later found my mom, S, and me over looking at the iPhones and demoed the extensive features of Google Maps. Did you know that, not only can the Google Maps feature on an iPhone call for reservations, but it can give turn-by-turn directions from anywhere as well? I love it. I want the price to go down before I buy one, (hopefully around the time I need a new phone—a year or two) but I want one. Good job, Apple! As usual.

Very cool.

I left my blog's front page running in Safari on that iPhone. Maybe it will increase my reader base by a tiny, tiny bit. Maybe one person. Hey, it can't hurt.

By the way, Grill Kabob is an amazing place. We ate lunch there. My mom, S, and I got a chicken kabob with rice and salad and a Gyro platter. Two combos, three people. Those portions are huge. And delicious. And I somehow managed to bolus correctly!

Okay, I'm done. Hopefully this will push all of the gillions of badges from those memes I did yesterday off the first screen. One meme, okay. Several? Obsessive. Dangerous. (Oops, I bet I'm not rated G anymore.) I don't usually do that many memes. Really.

By the way, I think I'll try to post that other one soon. The one Hol&J tagged me for.

Google/Blogger, when on Earth are you going to fix the spell checker?


Way more memes than I like to admit

My cousin recently got her blog rated movie-style. She's PG.

Here's me.

Free Online Dating

Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

So I'm the lovely animated Disney classic all the little kids come to. Wooo.

Anyway, I'm really tired right now. I have been for a while. I've already ranted on the stress I'm feeling from spending four weeks joined at the hip 24/7 with S. She's nice, but I'm an introvert. I have no siblings. I can hardly breathe.

So for more interesting blog content, I'm doing a few Mingle2.com memes and quizzes.


Mingle2 - Online Dating


Mingle2 - Free Online Dating


$5375.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth. From Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

Lovely. I would have been worth more, but I'm diabetic. Aww. Silly scientists.

73% GeekMingle2 - Free Online Dating
Cool. I lost a few points because I'm a teenager and wasn't playing video games when my parents were kids. Oops. I'll have to work on that. And I guessed on a couple—but the guesses were slightly educated. I'm good at guessing.

So now that I've succumbed to the slightly ridiculous fad of online quizzes, I'm going to end this post and go read the book I just got. Maybe I'll finish it before HP7. Can't wait! (I alrready have plans to go to the midnight release and such! ***happy dance***) Sorry for filling my blog with so many quizzes at once. As soon as I post a few more times, you won't have to scroll past my pitiful chances at surviving a zombie apocalypse anymore. So…I guess about three years. Cool.



Okay, I've got about five minutes before I fall asleep in my computer chair, slide back on the chair mat and hit my nose on my desk. We went to a water park today—my favorite, so of course I wore myself out swimming and going down slides.

Various things I did in Germany since my last entry:

Visit the Technische Universität at Darmstadt. I happened to mention to S that I wanted to major in Engineering and that I was considering studying abroad some in college. She and her mom were able to arrange a college tour of one of the five or six schools with Computer and Electrical Engineering in Germany for me. Oh man, I love that place. The school has great programs, great opportunities, and it is in a great location. Darmstadt has a medium-sized city feel, but it still feels German. When I visited Frankfurt (look down) I heard a lot of English…and a lot of other languages. All the tourist shops were a little distracting. It was in some ways a bit too international for my taste. I liked both cities, though.

Anyway. Darmstadt was beautiful. All of Germany is beautiful, actually. I enjoyed the parks I saw. One park had a little library in it. Since no one keeps track of the books in the library, people are free to take books out and keep them or to donate their own books. I have a book from the library inside the Prinz-Georg-Garten. Do you?

The Library in the Garden

I may write a more detailed trip log later. Right now I'll just say that we took a trip to the Rhine River (beautiful) and a trip to Frankfurt (beautiful in a different way).


A view of part of the Rhine from a nearby memorial

A beautiful view from the chair lift. Rhine, wine-grape fields, and pretty little houses. Ahh.

The Römer in Frankfurt. With stadium seats in front. (The Ironman was the day before. Grr. Stop messing up my picture, marathon runners!) = ) (And why is my finger in front of the lens? Drat!)

S and I about to eat our Americans. Americans (Amerikaner in German) are puffy sugar cookies with frosting on one side. They are surprisingly good. (By the way, if you say "Ich bin ein Amerikaner" you are saying you are one of these cookies. If you say "Ich bin Amerikaner" you are saying you are an American. It's the "Ich bin ein Berliner" thing. If he had just said "Ich bin Berliner" he would have said what he meant to say. Thankfully, all of the German people I have met are nice enough that, if I just happened to say that I was "ein Amerikaner," they wouldn't think I was about as smart as the cookie I mistakenly identified with. Such friendly people!)

Die alte Oper (The Old Opera). So pretty. I'll have to see the inside someday. Unfortunately, on Monday we were kind of rushed due to various reasons. Plus, it is nearly impossible to see an entire city properly in only one day. I guess that means I have to go back someday. <irony>What a pity.</irony> Until then, I have a t-shirt with this building on it.

That's all for the moment. Hopefully the next time I try to blog, I will be used to American keyboards again. I keep typing z's instead of y's and double quotes instead of apostrophes. Ugh.

I will get to that meme eventually. It might help for me to be awake when I write it!



I honestly thought I would blog today. Really. And I guess I am, but just to say that I'll post pictures and more stories from Germany later. Probably tomorrow. We'll see. I'm jetlagged and tired and irritable. I wouldn't be so irritable usually after travel, but spending four weeks cooped up with one person is hard for an introvert such as myself, and I have two more weeks to go. S is a very nice person; I just need some time alone everyday to recharge.

So I'll probably update tomorrow. Sorry about the delay. Hopefully your local bookstore isn't far away so you can find something to read. (As if I update regularly enough for that to matter…)

Sooo… check back later. And happy 4th of July, everybody! **starts humming "I'm Proud To Be an American" and then stops because she realizes it's past midnight**