Well, the last couple of days have been interesting.
First of all, there is no way any teacher can give me a major project now. We're taking exams. The past two days have been exam days, in which we have two, two-hour periods specifically for taking exams, presenting final exam projects, etc. Most of my exams have not been hard.
And the best part…
School only runs from 7:20 to 11:40. Holy sweetness of freetime, Batman! I have to walk home, since neither of my parents gets out of work that early, but the walk isn't bad. And eating a TV dinner while watching Homestarrunner.com cartoons is fun. And I can turn the volume up as much as I want without disturbing anyone. Nice.
And then Mom comes home. For the past two days, we've gone shopping. I used to hate shopping, but I'm turning into more of a girl now (I've always been one, but now I'm more of a tomboy-girlygirl hybrid instead of just a tomboy who doesn't really care what she looks like. Not that either is bad, but I just feel like looking nicer now.) One of my friends asked if I had a crush on anybody, since I started wearing the occasional skirt to school. Nope. I just feel like dressing up. (the majority of the guys at school are jerks anyway)
In other news, today is my mom's birthday and tomorrow is Father's Day. I'm not putting any ages up, to keep my head on my shoulders.
So Happy Birthday, Mom! And Happy Father's Day, Dad! Love ya both!
Stars Aligned….
7 years ago
Thanks, La! Great blog here! Great school year and hope you enjoy your summer and camps!