I have my second big Engineering Explorations test tonight. I've been studying quite a bit, so I feel pretty prepared. One thing I am not going to let happen this test is to let the nervousness of everyone else taking the test make me nervous. Last time, I went in confident, sat down, and then there was some confusion with filling out our Opscans. (I've grown up; those are called ScanTrons in elementary-high school, but Opscans here, for the most part). Plus, people were talking about how much they studied and how much they wished they had studied more, etc. I started to freak out and wasn't as focused for the test as I could have been. In comparison, over the summer when I did the Student Transition Engineering Program, I went into our tests feeling confident, ignored other people's worries, and took the tests. The first time, I got 94%. The second time? 99%. Of course, there was less pressure since those grades did not count, but still, if I can maintain the same attitude, I will probably be fine.
After the test, though, I get to watch a movie. S was telling me last night how a certain friend of hers had never seen a certain movie, and I got a funny look on my face. I think she noticed it, and then proceeded to ask whether I had seen it. I said no; I always seem to be the person who has never seen any movie ever. She got excited and said I have to go watch it with her and her friend. I would usually avoid things on Thursday nights due to Stammtisch and Campus Crusade for Christ, but I'm not going to Stammtisch because it is right before my test, and Cru tonight is pretty much out of the question, since this test runs an hour and a half, which means it has more questions. And that it ends at 8:30, 30 minutes after Cru begins. So now I have a movie to look forward to.
In other news, I'm trying to think of non-orange and maroon Christmas/holiday gifts for my friends. I think I'm the only one out of my little friend groups to come to VT, so I don't think the people going to UVA and Hollins and Mary Washington and other schools would appreciate orange and maroon. Any ideas? Especially for a college student on a budget?
Stars Aligned….
7 years ago
I think your idea about the confidence is a good one. Hang in there. I hope you did well.
ReplyDeleteYou'll have to tell me what you decided to do for Halloween!