
Laura = Backwards Compatible?

Well, I just got back from the Math Empo again. I have a proctored Linear Algebra test I have to take by Monday night, so I figured I would do it tomorrow in the six hours between my Engineering Exploration and my Chem class. So I went tonight to learn to use the only calculator program one can use on proctored Empo tests. It's a funny little program called SlideRule. It's one of those calculators where you can't put in a negative sign before a number--the number must be inputted first, then made negative. Same with square roots and other common functions: number first, then function. I'm so used to my TI-89 Titanium (Dad, you really should get one. They ROCK.) that does things the other way around that I decided to go re-learn how to use simpler technology.

Oh, and this one doesn't do fractions or exact answers; just decimals. *sad*

But on the plus side (no pun intended), the Math Empo is full of iMacs. Which is sweet. It almost makes it fun.


  1. Glad to hear that you're learning new things and enjoying them. Have a great day today!

  2. You'll do well on the test. I'm proud of you!
